What’s the catch? There is no catch! It’s a free homerun!

At Espère Global we make climate actions programs and promote the benefit of us all. Our goal is to be completely transparent with all our customers, suppliers, authorities, partners, employees and our surroundings.

We agree that things can seem to be too good to be true, but please read through.

We have decided to change our buyback offer to the better

We changed our original buyback offer from “double your money in four years” to “triple your money in three years“. For those who already have bought at the initial buyback offer, you get the new version as well.

We have added a new opportunity for all buyers of algae rope that open up for repurchase

Several have asked us if it would be possible to take the buyback offer and buy new algae rope for the whole amount or for parts of it. Yes absolutely!

To get the volumes that are needed in the global market, we need to be able to put out huge amounts of algae ropes in the oceans as fast and as soon as possible.

It has to do with the use of the algae as secondary raw material and that’s why we can offer a faster buyback.

Will the CO2 be released when the algae is harvested?

Algae absorbs up to 20 times what a tree absorbs of CO2 when it is growing. In addition with nitrats.

How much of the CO2 that are released when the algae is harvested and processed, nobody know at the moment.

So where is the catch? There is no catch! It’s a free homerun!

We are building up Espère Global to become a leader in climate action financing.

We need this for our globe and it is urgent. We only have 23 years to reverse the environmental impact and this calls for climate actions in a big scale immediately.

Look at what we do as a KinderEgg. Our blue Kinderegg include the following;

  1. Environmental action that will lower CO2 emission and lower nitrates in our oceans. Algae also use a lot of solar energy to their photosynthesis. This mean that this power is used on growing and not on heating the oceans.
  2. A unique buyback opportunity, likely not seen anywhere else in the environment business where you don’t give away your funds without getting anything back
  3. Huge impact in local communities with new jobs and huge ripple effects

We truly belive this is a WIN – WIN – WIN solution that will be a gain for all of us.

We are visionaries! We lead from the front!

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