We don’t want oceans to be empty by 2048!

A study from an international team of ecologists and economists have predicted that by 2048, 1/3 of all species of fishes in the oceans will have disappeared , due to overfishing, pollution, habitat loss and climate change. The study was conducted to understand what this loss will mean for the world.

We need the oceans to be alive

50% to 85% of all the oxygen we breathe comes from “marine phytoplankton” which are tiny ocean plants that photosynthesize and produce oxygen. This means that the oceans are the main lungs of our planet, thus playing a major role in regulating the temperature and climate of the earth. With 70% of the globe being covered with water, we should worry of the impact our current seafood production practices have on biodiversity.

Candy Belle, Scotland, 2020

The oceans needs us to take action

A type of seaweed known as kelp is being developed for its nutritional value, its ability to absorb and lock away huge quantities of carbon dioxide. Kelp absorbs 20 times more CO2, then trees do. It also improves water quality by extracting harmful nutrients, such as nitrogen from the sea.

Kelp forests absorb carbon dioxide from the water and store it over the long term in the ocean floor, long after it has died. It also produces oxygen and can help reduce ocean acidification in surrounding waters, providing a refuge for important shellfish species, such as crab and oysters.

Because kelp is a primary producer and makes its own food from the sun, many organisms feed on the kelp and then in turn feed other animals. While kelp is food for many organisms, it also provides shelter for many forms of sea life.

This is why we have made a unique financing system for kelp farming and this is where you can make a real impact on our environment – by purchasing algae ropes that we put out in the oceans. Think about it, if this is true we only have 26 years to restore our oceans, so why not make an impact now?

It cost you €20 per meter

You should buy the quantity of algae rope you can afford. In this post we have made calculations for many countries showing how many meters you would have to buy to absorb the average CO2 emission in your country.

Each meter produce 16 kg of algae per year, and each kilo of algae absorb 2,2 kg of CO2 from the air in addition to nitrats and toxins.

So if you buy 1 meter of algae rope, it will absorb 35,2 kg of CO2 per year. We harvest them twice per year and put them out in total 6 times in 3 years. So the total absorption per meter is 105,6 kg of CO2.

The minimum buy is 1 meter and we have a total of 1.500.000 meters for sale. This number will be increased every month when we add new locations around the world, and we will keep you updated through our News feed.

Our unique buyback opportunity pay you €60 per meter back in 3,5 years

By using the farmed algae to produce different products as short traveled fish feed, algae soup, natural fertilizer to local regenerative agriculture and cattle feed, we will have indirect savings of CO2 emissions. E.g. 75% of the CO2 emission of farmed salmon filets, comes from import of fish feed. Norway stands for 50% of the global production of farmed salmon.

We share our revenue form the processing of the harvested algae with those who own the algae ropes. This is how we are able to pay you back three times your initial buy after 3,5 years.

Perpetuum Mobile – Accelerator Model – Can increase your algae rope and revenue

We want to make real action to the blue ocean financing, and this is why we have introduced a voluntary perpetuum mobile model that double or triple every third year, depending on your choice, whether you want a payout or not.

The buyback will be offered to you, either May 31st or November 2nd, after your rope has been in the oceans for three years. The payout will occur either on July 1st or on December 18th.

If you want to increase your impact you can choose either one of the two options; either you get 1/3 paid back and you decide to buy new algae rope for 2/3, or you get buy new algae rope for the whole buyback amount.

If you choose the first with 1/3 paid back, you have got your initial buy back but also have doubled your algae ropes for the next 3,5 years, so this second round is totally risk free. 3,5 years later you can double or trippel again.

Most environment initiatives are without any buyback or payout – but ours are !

Our approach is that we believe that you should be rewarded for making an impact.

With our program, everything is very clear and transparent.

You will know where your algae rope is located through a personalized portal delivered by DigiShares, when it is put out in the ocean, and this will be connected to your portal where you are registered and verified (KYC/AML).

We are also entering into partnership with climate verification companies such as Climate Point, and with auditors that will control and verify our whole business thoroughly.

If your business have clean oceans as a CSR / ESG goal – look here

We are getting close to year-end 2022, but your investment can still get effect for the year-end, and your business taxes for 2022. We are open for buys that affects your 2022 taxes, until New Years Eve.

In most countries around the globe payments done to CSR / ESG projects are deductible before tax is calculated. If this is the fact in your country, you still have 12 days to act.

We have also exclusive business angle offers for the businesses that want to become climate action champions.

So here is our offer to you

Together, we can make a real impact for the oceans before 2048. It is important to think of our children and the future generations.

You can purchase algae rope in either Sørreisa or Lyngen for €20 per meter and we guarantee to buy them back in 3,5 years for €60 per meter. You can double or triple your money or your impact when we offer you the buyback.

The numbers of meters are limited and decrease every day! You find our offers here!

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