Corporate Social Responsibility

Through our bylaws, we have committed to use at least 15% of our year-end result on Corporate Social Responsibility.

We will give at least 3% of our year-end results to the following five initiatives.

Challenge 22

Our founders have set up the Challenge 22 as part of their 9 Billion Trees Initiative. 

They challenge everyone to plant 22 trees per year or the equivalent amount of kelp to become carbon neutral

Through our Get Carbon Neutral program you can also join Challenge 22 and become carbon neutral yourself.

Read more about Challenge 22 here!

Epona Foundation

We support the Epona Foundation and the work they do, taking care of horses, dogs and bees. 

They are now raising money to buy their first property in Normandy, France to establish a retirement haras for racing and polo horses. Their goal is to be able to take care of up to 25 horses on a regular basis. 

The horses will be trained to become family horses and then to be sold to carefully selected new owners.

You can read more and support them here!

Espère Air Med

We will help Espère Air Med to finance the fastest airborne first responder and organ transport service globally.

Espère will use evtols from Air and small jets from Cirrus in their operations.

The Global Heart Warming Communities

The first thing our founder started to support was the checking of the availability of defibrillators (AEDs) placed around Norway.

Every summer since 2018 he has travelled around Norway, by foot, bicycle and car to personally check these machines. By now he have done more than 25.000 km and checked more than 1.200 AEDs.

His motivation is the premature deaths of his father and his grandfather due to cardio vascular diseases.

This commitment is now being established as an international program through The Global Heartwarming Communities and the first AEDs have beens placed out where they are needed. And that’s where people live.

The Spera Foundation

The Spera Foundation helps entrepreneurs who are struggling to realize their dreams.

This is done through targeted work where one analyzes their projects, assists them with advice and makes well thought out angel investments.

The LW Art Foundation

Being lovers of music and art we support The LW Art Foundation who are to help young artist to have the tools they need to develop and preform.

The first project is to establish a festival for classical music and opera in Deauville, France, in 2024.

The goal is to award scholarships and to lend valuable classical instruments to a total value of EUR 5,000,000 already in 2024.